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Monografija 20 godina CIRED Srbija

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Conferences Prošla savetovanja Vrnjačka Banja 2010
Report of commissions conclusions PDF Print E-mail



Dr.Dragoslav Peric, EMS (Serbian Transmission System & Market Operator), Belgrade

Proceed with publishing new technical solutions referring to distribution substations and power lines and making them publicly available to a wide circle of professionals.

Encourage the development of new software solutions for planning and designing distribution substations and power lines.

Reconsider the application of the current standard sections of cable lines type XHE 49-A in the 10 kV and 20 kV electricity distribution grid. In electricity distribution planning, where the application of cable lines type XHE 49-A is envisaged, the characteristic values should be calculated with load factor of 0.7, instead of the former 0.6.  

  1. Give an estimate of the required time and costs for all samplings and measuring in the field of environmental protection, prescribed by the legislation and rule books. Start expressing critical parameters of non-ionizing radiation and above the permitted distances, in order to bring closer to the wider public the image of the (non)existence of harmful impact.  
  2. Give an initiative on reconsidering a significantly stricter criterion of the local Rule Book on non-ionizing radiation compared to the one defined in ICNIRP 98 and 1999/519/EC and on clarifying the ambiguity and confusion in certain items of the Rule Book concerning non-ionizing radiation.
  3. Organize an appropriate seminar on the subject of application of regulations from the field of environmental protection.

The most prominent paper:

R-1.13  Electrical load of 10 kV cable lines and the impact thereof on the selection of standard section

Dragan Tasic Faculty of Electronics, Nis, Miladin Tanaskovic, Electricity Distribution Belgrade (Elektrodistribucija Beograd), Miodrag Stojanovic, Faculty of Electronics, Nis, Serbia   






Prof.Dr. Vladimir Katic, FTN, N.Sad


Due to the absence of the the Chairman of Session 2, Prof.Dr. Vladimir Katic, who could not take part in the Conference, Session 2 was chaired by Vladimir Stugar, M.Sc., Vice-Chairman of Session 2. The Session was held from 9.00 am to 2.10 pm, on Tuesday, 28th September 2010. There was a half an hour’s break during the session.


Within Session 2 – Power quality in distribution systems CIRED Serbia, for VII Conference on Electricity Distribution in Serbia and Montenegro with regional participation were offered 7 preferential subjects:



  1. Parametres of electricity quality (supply continuity, flickers, harmonics,

   drop and rising of voltage, overvoltages, transients, etc.);  

  1. Measuring methods for the purpose of electricity quality monitoring, as well as for

    identifying the phenomena jeopardizing the electricity quality;

3.Practical implementation of results of electricity quality measuring for the purpose  

   of solving the problem of electricity quality;

4.Modelling and simulation of consumers who could potentially jeopardize the  

   electricity quality;

5.Resistance of equipment to disturbances;

6.Alleviating disturbances;

7.Innovation of technical regulations.


At this session were presented 12 out of a total of 13 accepted papers (12 papers and 1 briefing), which were exposed in the framework of their respective preferential subjects: 10 papers in the first one, 2 papers in the fifth, while the briefing was presented in the framework of the seventh preferential subject. The paper Р-2.03 “Аnalysis of higher harmonics sources and the expansion thereof in distribution grids”, by Jovica Vuletic, Mirko Todorovski and Risto Ackovski from the Faculty of electrical engineering and information technologies (FEIT), of Skopje, Macedonia was not presented due to the excused absence of all authors thereof. 


After the presentations of all the papers, all the authors answered the questions asked by the reporters, the chairman and the audience. The work of all the participants in the session can be assessed as very successful, and was well-attended by the other participants in the Conference. It is obvious that the high quality selection of preferential subjects, as well as the subjects handled by the authors in their papers contributed to the  great interest shown by the participants, extremely constructive and well-intentional discussion, based on the topics of the papers. The general opinion is that all the papers essentially contributed to the high quality of the Conference and better understanding of the state-of-the-art issues referring to electricity quality in electricity distribution.

After the session, Session 2 held a Meeting. The meeting was attended by:


  1. Velimir Strugar, M.Sc., Chairman
  2. Mihajlo Ristic
  3. Dr. Petar Vukelja
  4. Milanko Radic


The Meeting was chaired by Velimir Strugar, M.Sc. The following decisions were made at the meeting:


1.The most prominent selected paper was


by Branislav JANKOVIC, Radislav MILANKOV, Elektrovojvodina company, ED Zrenjanin, Kikinda plant, Serbia, Kikinda, Serbia


2.In addition to the already existing seven preferential subjects, Session 2 proposes an introduction of another preferential subject under the title of: Connection of renewable sources of electrical energy to the system from the standpoint of quality








The Session was chaired by Chairman Zarko Micin together with the Reporters Aleksandar Popovac-Damljanovic, Electricity Distribution Belgrade (Elektrodistribucija Beograd) and Dragan Cvetinov, Elektrovojvodina Novi Sad. After presenting 14 papers, the following conclusions were drawn:


Electricity Distribution grids, for the purpose of continuous supply of high-quality electricity, must:

l  be scheduled for timely and adequate maintenance,

l  meet the need for increasing the permeability for the purpose of greater efficiency,

l  be constantly supervised in order to enable easy and fast repair, and re-establish consumer supply,

l  use new technologies in the field of diagnostics, monitoring and maintenance


The best selected paper in Session 3 was:

Р.3.11.Implementation of GIS and GPS technology in EDB

Аuthors: М. Таnaskovic, S. Brozovic, M. Nikolic, V. Stojicic, Elecrticity Distribution Belgrade Company (PD Elektrodistribucija Beograd); Lj. Adzemovic, Z. Jovanovic, D. Ostojic, Livona.






Dusan Vukotic, M.Sc.,ЕDB


From Session 4 were presented 12 papers out of a total of 15 included in this year’s Conference program.

After the presentation of papers, the following conclusions were drawn in reference to several topics in the sphere of protection and management in electricity distribution grids:

  1. The processes leading to the upgrading of control centers have virtually reached the final phase, the focus being on the integration with other information subsystems within the electricity distribution companies. Integration of some already implemented information subsystems into a single system, for the purpose of achieving the target level which assumes greater operative efficiency and maintenance of the subject subsystems by the beneficiaries, is also one of the current trends. It is therefore necessary to proceed with the current development trends, thereby persisting on the implementation of the latest international standards.
  2. The  initiated processes towards automation of the electricity distribution grid have recently been greatly intensified, which has led to a significant upgrading of the automation level. There has been particular progress in the area of automation within the medium-voltage grid, where a large number of local automation functions have been applied and very successfully coordinated with the protective functions at the supply substations. In the forthcoming period, it is necessary to proceed with the activities concerning the implementation of adopted conceptions regarding medium-voltage control of the electricity distribution grid existing in some electricity distribution companies. The applied conceptions also fit into the framework of set goals of application of SmartGrids solutions and, bearing that in mind, the initiated activities ought to be continued or intensified.


1.The process of intensive electricity distribution automation was also supported by comprehensive activities towards the improvement of the communication infrastructure, first of all in the spirit of better communication with the supply electricity plants, for the purpose of providing indispensable redundant transmission routes. Further activities should be directed towards better communication routes for the purpose of supervision and control within the medium-voltage electricity distribution grid based on the digital transmission system, taking into account the needs of the other scheduled systems, such as the remote metering system.


2.In the realization of reconstruction of the existing protection and control systems within the power plants, as well as the construction of new ones, the only valid standard applied is exclusively the current international standard IEC 61850, which has enabled the implementation of the standard supervisory and control system architecture within the power plants, resulting in reduced time required for the completion of activities. It is necessary to make greater efforts in order to change the current technical regulations which should give a detailed description of the method of implementation of the latest IEC 61850 protocol, and make a functional distinction between the control and protective functions.

The most prominent paper from Session 4:

“Protection and control of distribution systems” is the paper under number

R-4.13  Delayed Data Acquisition at 110/20 kV  Substation,

 by Zoran Subasic of Elektrovojvodina, d.o.o. Novi Sad, Ruma branch






Dr. Nenad Katic, DMS group, N. Sad  

SUBJECT 1 – RESTRUCTURING, DEREGULATION AND ELECTRICITY MARKET Reporter: Dr. Nenad Katic, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Novi Sad, Serbia

  1. Deregulation and restructuring of the electric power industry within the region is in its final phase; for the purpose of faster opening of the electricity market it is necessary to deal with electricity prices from the economic standpoint.
  2. In a deregulated ambience and for the purpose of more efficient business operations, it is of great interest to establish high-quality benchmarking methods concerning electricity distribution companies.
  3. The economic basis and transparency of the tariff systems and compensation for connection to the energy grid is of great importance and it is the basis for regulation of electricity distribution companies.




Reporter: Zeljko Popovic, M.Sc., Elektrovojvodina Company, Serbia

  1. For the pupose og greater efficiency of the distribution system, it is necessary, inter alia, to constantly monitor the total electrity losses (both the technical and non-technical ones) at all voltage levels and particularly in the LV grid. In order to locate the parts of the LV grid with increased losses, it is necessary to have adequate tools which would enable high-quality monitoring and determination of the state within the LV grid and thereby a high-quality assessment of energy and power losses in the grid (e.g. tools enabling LV grid modelling, analysis of topology, estimation of state, calculation of load flow). The said tools ought to integrate (use) the corresponding data on all elements of the LV grid (e.g. from GIS) and the highest quality data on the demand in the consumer nodes in the LV grid (e.g. from the АMI/МDМ and CIS system). These tools should be part of the single distribution management system (DMS), representing one of the basic components required for the realization of the SmartGrids concept.
  2. It is necessary to systematically and consistently apply the strategy on the reduction of non-technical losses: metering control, updating of the metering equipment, displacement of the metering point, undertaking legal procedures against the beneficiaries of unauthorized electricity consumption and, if necessary, initiate amendments to the corresponding regulations.
  3. It is necessary to analyze not only the conditions and procedures for connection of distribution generators (DG) in the MV and LV grid, but also the impact thereof on the operation of the MV and LV grids in normal and emergency conditions (e.g. the voltage control method in the Distribution Grid in the presence of DG, fault management in the Distribution Grid in the presence of DG, the protection concept in the Distribution Grid in the presence of DG). 



Reporter: Branislav Radovic,M..Sc., Elektrovojvodina Company, Serbia

  1. The introduction of advanced metering and the AMI system is the basis for development of SmartGrids and will contribute to the development of an open electricity market and more efficient operation of the electricity distribution companies. 
  2. Speed up the modernization of the metering infrastructure in accordance with the advanced distribution system concept and in accordance with the adopted document “Functional requirements and technical characteristics of the AMI/MDM system“.
  3. Systematically conduct regular and emergency inspection of the metering point for the purpose of providing meteorological supervision and efficient reduction of non-technical electricity losses.
  4. Develop and modernize relations with customers through new benefits and services. 


The best selected paper within SESSION 5 was:

Р-5.21 First phase of AMI-MDM implementation in Electric Power Utility EPS

S. Marceta, B. Holik, V. Gacic, Elektrovojvodina, Novi Sad, S. Tosic, Jugoistok Company, Nis, Serbia





Dr. Aleksandar Janjic, DMS group, Novi Sad


In Session 6– Planning and distribution system development, a total of 23 papers were presented, 5 of which were briefings and 18 were papers. As many as 5 of them were papers by foreign authors. All preferential subjects were included in this Conference.

This year’s work of the Committees was once again marked by a high quality of papers and the authors covered all the current issues laid down in the preferential subjects.

  1. Tools for forecasting peak power and demand are good, but the data are an issue. Integration of the existing, different IT applications and database (SCADA, GIS, TIS, CIS, MDM etc.) are necessary for the purpose of eliminating incorrect and duplicated data on the electricity distribution system and electricity customers.


  1. Integration of information systems and more intensive application of the available metering results is a necessary basis for the assessment of grid efficiency (level of reliability, electricity quality and losses).


  1. Operation optimization of the existing electricity distribution grid has been imposed as the starting point for planning its further development. In this spirit, research should continue as well as the upgrading of the existing tools.


  1. The planners’ requests should be built into the global Smart Grids architecture. In the planning of electricity distribution grids, the Smart Grids principles referring to micro-grids and distributed sources should be taken into account.


The most prominent paper:

R-6.12  Formulation of multi-period planning issues based on the graph theory,

by: Zeljko N. Popovic, Elektrovojvodina, D.S. Popovic, Тelevent DMS,  V.Dj. Krleza, Faculty of technical engineering “Mihajlo Pupin”, Serbia.


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